Become a member

By becoming a member of the New Plymouth Mountain Bike Club you are helping us to sustain and improve our current trail network.

Come to a working bee

We have regular working bees at both Lake Mangamahoe and Busing Forest. While we do use contractors to build and maintain our trails, we also rely heavily on the enthusiasm of many dedicated volunteers to keep the trails well-groomed and free of vegetation. You do not need to have any trail-building experience, and we have lots of hand tools to use. We simply need people power and loads of enthusiasm to make our trail network even better.

Sponsor the Mangamahoe Mountain Bike Park

Our generous sponsors make a huge difference to what we can achieve, with all funds donated going towards our trail maintenance budget at the Mangamahoe Mountain Bike Park. We are a registered charity and all donations are therefore tax deductible. Please do let us know if you have any interest and we will come speak to you about our sponsorship packages.

Participate in local events

Come along to our regular rides or events. We have loads of events that cater to all riding abilities. Come along for the ride and have some fun! Check out the Events Calendar for more information.

Wear the Club Jersey

Kit yourself out in some quality riding gear and represent the club.

Join a Committee

We have three Committees that you are welcome to become involved in. Our Trails & Facilities Sub-Committee and Events Sub-Committee are less formal affairs, so feel free to come to lend a hand because there’s always plenty going on. Just message us to find out when the next one is.

Our Core Committee of nine members meets every third Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm at Craig’s Investment Partners at 9 Young Street. All current financial members are welcome to attend. New committee members can be elected either as positions become vacant, or by volunteering at our AGM which is in early April each year.