Welcome to the club site of New Plymouth Mountain Bikers Inc., home of the latest on trails, rides, and events in and around New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand.

New Plymouth Mountain Bikers became an incorporated society in March 2008 and a registered charity (Registered number CC42750) in November 2009.

Donations to the club can be made here, and will be used to fund maintenance work at Mangamahoe Mountain Bike Park.

Any donations over $5 can be claimed as a tax credit with the appropriate club receipt (hint hint).

The current management committee of the club that was elected at the AGM in April 2023 are:

Kyle Beggs – President

Alan Ramage-Brown– Secretary

Phil Armstrong – Treasurer

Quentin Maclean -Events

John McDonald – Trails and Facilities

Andie Ramage-Brown – Membership

Olivier Perkins – Communications

Alice West – Womans Rep

Nadia Hill – Youth Rep

You can contact the club by email using info@npmtb.co.nz  or message us via our FaceBook Club Page here.

Committee Meeting Minutes

Every month the New Plymouth Mountain Bike Club committee meets to discuss all matters regarding the club. These meetings are open to all members.

Our meeting minutes can be found here.